
Useful Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs for English Telephone Conversations

Useful Vocabulary and Phrasal Verbs for English Telephone Conversations

Learn Common Telephone Phrasal Verbs in English with meaning and examples.
  • Break – up
Meaning: Become inaudible over the phone, usually because of a bad connection
E.g: “Sorry, could you repeat that, please? You’re breaking up”.
  • Call for someone
Meaning: To telephone for someone or something
E.g: I’ll call for you at 7 o’clock.
  • Call back
Meaning: To telephone someone again or to return a call
E.g: She said she’d call back.
  • Call up
Meaning: Call someone on the phone
E.g: My dad called me up to tell me the bad news.
  • Cut off
Meaning: When a telephone call finishes because of a bad connection
E.g: We were cut off in the middle of our conversation.
  • Get through
Meaning: To be connected to a place by telephone
E.g: I finally got through to Tom on his mobile.
  • Hang on
Meaning: Wait for a short time (informal)
E.g: Hang on – I’ll just see if he’s here.
  • Hang up
Meaning: End a telephone call by putting the phone down
E.g: After I hung up I remembered what I’d wanted to say.
  • Hold on
Meaning: Wait for a short time
E.g: Could you hold on a moment, please?
  • Pick up
Meaning: Answer the telephone call
E.g: The phone rang and rang and nobody picked up.
  • Put through
Meaning: Connect by phone
E.g: Could you put me through to the manager, please?
  • Speak up
Meaning: Speak louder
E.g: Can you speak up a bit? It’s very noisy here.

English Phrases for Telephone Conversations

  • I’ll call you later.
  • Leave a message.
  • Hi Simon, it’s Anna.
  • Did you get my message?
  • Can I speak to Rob, please?
  • Hi, Jenny. Where are you?
  • Thanks for getting back to me.
  • Leave a message after the beep.
  • What’s your number?
  • I’m returning your call.

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